Charles Ditto - In Human Terms
"In the mid-80’s, an original form of music was discovered on the midi-capable little planet of Austin, Texas. At the age of 32, Charles Ditto would release his first solo album applying cutting edge computers and synthesizers of the era (Roland DX7, Roland MKS-20, Roland MKS-80, Sequential Circuits Profit 2000 along with a Macintosh SE), creating a unique and detailed world that was inspired by Cluster, Eno & The Residents.
In Human Terms bridges the gab between contemporary classical and minimal pop. Rhythmic but melodically abstract. Microtonal and organic. Often described as experimental electronics, tone poems or Cyber-delic-psychotropic-avante-garde. In Human Terms, remains very emotion, deep and different. Ditto’s music imparts a new listening experience that is still somewhat indescribable today, but remains approachable and relatable." - Telephone Explosion