"Vividly immersive sonic fiction from Samo DJ and Max Stenerudh for L.I.E.S. Conceived as the imaginary O.S.T. to a fantasy set in Kowloon City, Hong Kong, 'Dream Of The Walled City' stalks exotic ground between widescreen flute and synth soundscapes and backstreet bass techno zones. It's a perfect fit for L.I.E.S.' anachronistic, semi-mythical world of leather clad industrial fiends and sci-fi techno spacecakes, picking up the thread from Black Rain' 'Now I'm Not A Number' or the wilder fantasies of Legowelt and Willie Burns to skulk in shadowy, cinematic headspace with the gorgeous 'Night Drive', or lurk in seedy, red-lit bars with the gyrating groove mechaincs of 'Missing', whilst the likes of 'Dreaming of You' or 'Tai Tam Tuk' imply more romantic themes ready for you to fill in the gaps. Tip!" - Bookmat